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Master the Art of Riven Animation Canceling for Ultimate Gaming Success

Master the Art of Riven Animation Canceling for Ultimate Gaming Success

As a player of the online game, “League of Legends,” you have probably heard about animation canceling. But have you ever heard of Riven Animation Canceling?

Riven is one champion that can be maximized through animation canceling. This technique can help her deal more damage in a shorter time frame. Are you interested in mastering this technique? Read on to learn more!

First things first, what is animation canceling? This technique involves disrupting a champion's animation of an attack with another action. By doing this, you can speed up your combo, which can lead to an increase in damage output.

But why should you bother learning Riven animation canceling specifically? The answer is simple: she has a lot of animations that can be disrupted. This means you can chain her attacks faster and deal massive damage to your opponents.

Now, let’s dive deeper into this technique. One of Riven's primary animation canceling combos is referred to as the ‘fast combo.’ It involves attacking an enemy champion, canceling the animation with your Q ability, then immediately canceling the animation again with auto-attacks.

Using this combo correctly can help you deal an absurd amount of damage to your opponent in a short space of time. And who doesn’t love that?

Another essential Riven animation canceling combo is the ‘doublecast,’ which involves casting two of her abilities simultaneously using the right timing, thereby staggering their animations. Timing is key here, but once you’ve mastered it, doublecast can be combined with fast combo, perfect for dealing significant burst damage.

At this point, it’s important to note that mastering these techniques will not happen overnight. It takes plenty of practice and patience. But rest assured, once you've nailed these combos, you're sure to see an improvement in your gameplay.

Don't think this technique is only for professional players or Riven mains. ANYONE can learn it with some practice and dedication!

If you’re still not sold on the idea of learning animation canceling, here's a fun statistic to entice you. According to data gathered from high ELO players, Riven's animation canceling combo can deal up to 786 damage within two seconds - now that's a lot of damage!

Overall, Riven animation canceling is a technique worth learning if you intend to take your gameplay to the next level. Though it takes time and effort to master it, the benefits are worth it. So, if you’re ready to improve your Riven gameplay, start practicing your animation canceling today!

Riven Animation Canceling
"Riven Animation Canceling" ~ bbaz


League of Legends is a very complex game with several intricate mechanics that players need to master. The most challenging aspect of the game is its characters or champions, each with unique abilities and kits. Riven is one such champion, and she can be tough to play due to her animations, which are long and can leave her vulnerable to attacks from enemies. Animation Canceling is an essential technique that players can learn to mitigate this.

What is Animation Canceling in League of Legends?

Animation Canceling, also known as Animation Resetting, is a technique where players interrupt the animation of a character’s ability by using another command. This technique can grant players a distinct advantage by allowing them to launch attacks faster and more efficiently than usual.

How does Animation Canceling Work on Riven?

Riven's attack holds a lot of power, but it takes quite some time to charge up fully. She has to go through the winding up animation before releasing the attack, leaving her vulnerable to enemy attacks. Animation Canceling on Riven allows players to shorten her attack animation times and make her combos a lot quicker. There are various ways to maximize Riven's damage potential by canceling her animation patterns for her passive ability using other spells.

1. Riven's Broken Wings

One of the most commonly used abilities to cancel or reset Riven's animation is Broken Wings. A player can cancel the wind-up animation of Riven's first two strikes of the skill by launching an AA immediately after its first hit lands. Using this trick would allow the player to land three quick hits before the enemy champion even gets a chance to act.

2. Riven's Valor/Jump

Riven's Valor or Jump ability is another trick to canceling her animations. By using this skill in between basic attacks, players can avoid Riven's wind-down animation and quickly execute her next move. This technique is called an auto-cancel, and it allows players to leap forward while dealing damage and quickly move on to other skills.

3. Riven's Ki Burst/Stun

Riven's final animation canceling technique is Ki Burst. This skill is unique because it provides a knock-up by interrupting the enemy's movement for 0.75 seconds. The AA combo for this technique involves hitting once, continuing the combo with Broken Wings' first two strikes, then using Ki Burst, Valor, and finishing with Blade of the Exile. Cancelling Ki Burst animation returns Riven to the starting position without compromising her damage output.

Why is Animation Canceling Essential for Riven?

A Riven player who knows how to utilize animation cancelling has greater flexibility and adaptability in the game. Utilizing animation canceling can be the difference between securing a kill, outnumbering your enemies, or even getting killed during an attack. These techniques are essential to maximize Riven's effectiveness, and without them, the player might find themselves struggling to match other champions' potential.


Riven's combo-heavy style is a great way to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. However, without mastering animation canceling, most players won't be able to keep up with faster champions like Zed, Yasuo, or Vayne. Powerful Riven players can take advantage of these tricks to boost their performance during fights and make full use of Riven's potential. With these techniques, Riven players can execute quick and deadly combos, leaving their foes in the dust.

Comparison of Riven Animation Canceling


League of Legends has several complex champions, but few can compare to the intense and advanced mechanical skill required to play Riven. As a high-skill cap champion, one of the most important techniques for mastering Riven is animation canceling. In this article, we will explore the different forms of animation canceling, explain what it is, and provide an in-depth comparison of the three primary types.

What is Animation Canceling?

Animation canceling, also known as AA canceling, is the technique where the player interrupts Riven's auto-attack animation by canceling it with another move, allowing the champion to move around more fluidly and reduce the delay between her abilities. The technique is used to maximize Riven's burst damage potential, mobility, and ability to outplay enemies in complex situations.

Comparing Doublecast, Fast Q, and Hydra Reset

There are three different types of animation canceling that are essential for playing Riven at a professional level – Doublecast, Fast Q, and Hydra Reset. Let's break down each one individually and compare them side by side.


Doublecast is when Riven cancels the animation of Q1 and W, E, or R simultaneously, enabling her to instantaneously cast two abilities at once. This technique is challenging to execute since it requires precise timing and knowledge of how long each ability takes to animate. When executed correctly, it allows Riven to deal massive amounts of damage quickly while avoiding retaliation from her enemies.

Fast Q

Fast Q is one of the most popular forms of animation canceling for Riven players. It involves canceling the end animation of Q, allowing Riven to chain multiple Qs together without the delay, and thus dealing more damage in a shorter period. This move is useful for sticking to enemies and attacking them with repeated basic attacks, all while avoiding enemy retaliation.

Hydra Reset

Hydra Reset is when Riven uses Hydra's active ability to reset her auto-attack and animation-cancel her abilities. This technique allows Riven to deal burst damage, move around with great flexibility, and stay alive in difficult teamfight scenarios.

Comparison Table

To aid the comparison of these three techniques, let us provide a table comparison of each ability:| Technique | Ability Combo | Damage Output | Difficulty ||--------------:|:-------------------------------------|-------------:|-------------:|| Doublecast | Q1 + W or E or R | High | Very Hard || Fast Q | Q + Move + Click + Q | Moderate | Moderate || Hydra Reset | Hydra Active + Q or W or E or R | High | Challenging |


In conclusion, mastering Riven is no simple feat, but animation canceling plays a vital role in maximizing Riven's power in team fights, duels, and objective control situations. As we've explored, the three essential forms of animation canceling are Doublecast, Fast Q, and Hydra Reset, each with its advantages and disadvantages. So if you want to learn how to play Riven, it's imperative to practice your animation canceling abilities and learn each technique's intricacies. Over time, with consistent practice, you'll be able to perform animation-canceling with great control, exhibiting Riven's true potential.

Riven Animation Canceling: Mastering Your Skills

As League of Legends players, we always strive to improve our skillset, and one of the ways to do it is by mastering animation canceling techniques. Riven, the Exile, is a champion that heavily relies on this mechanic to maximize her potential in dealing damage and surviving at the same time.

If you’re new to playing Riven or just embarking on learning how to cancel animations, then this article will provide you with the basics of animation canceling and how to apply it effectively with Riven.

What is Animation Canceling?

Animation canceling is an advanced in-game technique that allows you to shorten the cast time of your abilities by interrupting the animation of your champion's basic attack. This can be done by inputting another move command, such as moving or casting another ability, during the animation. By doing so, you’ll be able to utilize your champion’s full toolkit to its highest extent, which is crucial in high-level play.

Why is Animation Canceling Important for Riven?

As a melee fighter, Riven heavily relies on combos to deal significant damage to her opponents. Her abilities have short durations, but if timed correctly, can be canceled to proceed immediately into another move. This means that Riven players are expected to perform several animation cancels at once to complete their combos in a matter of seconds.

Overall, the benefits of animation canceling include:

  • Increasing your damage output
  • Reducing the time required to execute your combos
  • Improving your overall gameplay and survivability

How to Animation Cancel with Riven?

Mastering animation canceling takes time, patience, and a lot of practice, but with the right guidance, you can eventually perfect it. Here’s how to apply animation canceling with Riven.

Fast Q Combo:

The Fast Q Combo is the bread and butter of Riven’s animation canceling technique. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Start with your first Q and make sure to input your second Q at the last moment.
  2. As soon as your first Q finishes up, use your mouse to move in the direction you want to go.
  3. Repeat the process by chaining your abilities together.

The goal here is to minimize the downtime between Riven’s Q abilities and reset the auto-attack timer.

W and Tiamat Cancel:

The W and Tiamat Cancel is another effective animation cancel that allows you to finish off your opponents in a flash. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Start with your first W and cast Tiamat immediately after.
  2. Input your Q quickly to follow up, then E to disengage or chase down your opponent.

The key is to press the Tiamat button while Riven’s W is still being casted. This cancels the animation, allowing you to perform other actions while waiting for the animation to finish.

R R1 and R2 Combo:

Riven’s ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, triggers an animation cast time when used. However, you can negate this animation to perform other moves by canceling the ultimate’s windup animation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Cast your ultimate skill and input another move command before the ultimate’s animation starts.
  2. Wait for the windup animation to finish, then quickly double-cast the R2.
  3. Input your Q to follow through to deal more damage.

E R Flash:

Riven players can also use Flash to cancel the animation of their E ability. This is useful when you want to close the distance between you and your opponent or escape from a dangerous situation. To perform the E R Flash combo, do the following:

  1. Start with your E to dash towards your opponent.
  2. Press R to trigger your ultimate, followed by flashing towards your opponent.
  3. Finish off your combo with your Q and W abilities.

The Importance of Practice

As mentioned, mastering animation canceling requires practice, patience, and dedication. The best way to train is by using practice tools or bots in custom games. Eventually, you will start to feel more comfortable with the mechanics and perform the combos more naturally even in intense situations.

In Conclusion

Becoming proficient in animation canceling takes time, but it's an essential skill for any Riven player aiming to improve their game. It’s important to remember to keep practicing and questioning everything you do in-game. Knowing that animation canceling exists and how it works is great, but applying it correctly will give you the upper hand in any game.

Riven Animation Canceling: Everything You Need to Know

If you're a League of Legends player, you must have heard about Riven animation canceling. This technique allows players to maximize their damage output and outplay their opponents in fights. In simple terms, animation canceling involves interrupting the animation of one ability with another to reduce the cast time of the second ability.

Riven is a champion that benefits greatly from animation canceling due to her kit's diverse abilities. To make the most out of this mechanic, however, players require a deep knowledge of Riven's kit and mechanical prowess. This article will cover everything you need to know about Riven animation canceling, including its importance, techniques, and overall impact on gameplay.

The Importance of Riven Animation Canceling

Animation canceling is an essential aspect of League of Legends's gameplay as it allows players to perform complex combos and outplay their opponents while maximizing their damage output. For Riven, mastering animation canceling is paramount to unleash her full potential.

Unlike other champions, Riven has a unique kit that requires intricate ability timing to pull off her combos effectively. With animation canceling, Riven players can reduce her overall cast time, allowing them to use more abilities in less time, which ultimately translates to higher damage output in fights.

Riven Animation Canceling Techniques

There are several animation canceling techniques available for Riven players to take advantage of. Each requires specific timings and practice to execute correctly. Below are some of the commonly used techniques:

Fast Q Combo

The fast Q combo is the bread and butter animation canceling combo for Riven players. It involves using Riven's Broken Wings (Q) in rapid succession to reduce the number of autos required between each Q cast. This technique allows players to deal a massive amount of damage quickly.

Animation Canceling on Wind Slash

Wind Slash is Riven's ultimate ability and benefits significantly from animation canceling. Players can use Wind Slash after Broken Wings (Q) or Ki Burst (W) to reduce the cast time of Wind Slash, allowing for quicker execution and higher damage potential.


The Doublecast is a technique that allows Riven players to use two abilities almost simultaneously, creating a surprise attack for opponents. The combo works by pressing the W key and immediately following it up with the Hydra active item, casting the two abilities one after the other before the second animation starts.

The Impact of Animation Canceling on Riven's Gameplay

Mastery of animation canceling can have a significant impact on your effectiveness as a Riven player. With this technique, players can output more damage quickly, making it easy to take down enemies in fights. Animation canceling also provides Riven with enhanced mobility, making it easier to move around the battlefield and engage and disengage from fights.

Additionally, animation canceling increases Riven's survivability. Since she can execute her moves quickly, she can dodge enemy attacks effectively, resulting in fewer deaths and longer team fights.

How to Practice Riven Animation Canceling

Like all things in League of Legends, becoming proficient at Riven animation canceling requires practice. The more you practice, the better you'll become at executing it flawlessly in actual games. Below are some ways to improve your animation canceling skills:

Practice in Custom Games

The best way to get started with practicing animation canceling is to create custom games where you can practice your combos without pressure. As Riven, practice fast Q, doublecasting, and other animation canceling techniques to get a good understanding of when and how to execute each combo properly.

Watch Professional Players

Another way to improve your Riven animation canceling is by watching professional Riven players. These players have already mastered the champion and can provide valuable insights on executing her combos correctly. You can study their movements, timing, and decision-making to improve your own gameplay.

Closing Thoughts

Riven animation canceling is a vital technique that every Riven player should learn to maximize their effectiveness. With this skill, Riven players can execute more combos quickly and efficiently, outputting high amounts of damage in fights. Remember that it takes time to master animation canceling, so be patient and consistent in your practice. With enough dedication, you can become a skilled Riven player and take on any opponent on the battlefield.

Good luck and have fun!

People Also Ask About Riven Animation Canceling:

What is Riven Animation Canceling?

Riven Animation Canceling refers to the technique of cancelling your champion's animation by inputting another command during the animation time. This allows you to optimize your champion's damage output and execute combos at a faster rate.

Why is Riven Animation Canceling important?

Riven Animation Canceling is important because it allows you to maximize your champion's potential in terms of damage output and fighting capability. It also reduces the amount of time needed to execute various attack combinations, allowing you to react more quickly in team fights and other high-pressure situations.

How do I execute Riven Animation Canceling?

There are several ways to execute Riven Animation Canceling, including the following:

  1. Fast Q: By pressing Q, then right-clicking on the ground, then quickly pressing Q again, you can cancel the animation for each individual Q hit, allowing you to execute them faster.
  2. E - R - Q: By inputting this command in rapid succession, you can cancel the animation for your E and R abilities, and quickly start your Q combo.
  3. W - Hydra: By using your W ability and immediately following it up with a Hydra active, you can cancel the animation for your W and deal damage more quickly.

Can I use Riven Animation Canceling in ranked games?

Yes, absolutely! Riven Animation Canceling is a legitimate gameplay mechanic that can greatly improve your performance with the champion in League of Legends. It requires practice and skill to execute correctly, but it's definitely worth incorporating into your gameplay strategy if you want to take your Riven play to the next level.

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